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Learning Objectives

Learning objectives are specific descriptions of the most important skills students will gain by taking your course. When writing course and lesson Learning Objectives:

  • Begin your list of objectives with the phrase, “After successfully completing this [lesson/course], you will be able to: ____”
  • Use the following list of measurable action verbs based on Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • Align your objectives and assessments. Make sure that each objective is something you will directly measure with some form of assessment, and that each performance assessment is reflected in the objectives.
  • List learning objectives on your course syllabus

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Bloom’s Taxonomy: Action Verbs

A group of educators led by Benjamin Bloom, identified a hierarchy of six categories of cognitive skills: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.  As students learn, they start with the knowledge level and progress through the hierarchy.  Thus, advanced courses should include skills at a higher level than introductory or basic skills courses.  Below you will find a list of measurable verbs to assist you in writing course objectives and assess learning outcomes.

Hierarchy of Thinking Skills

Bloom's Hierarchy of Thinking Skills
Image Source: Ateneu

List of Measurable Action Verbs

list record underline
state define arrange
name relate describe
tell recall memorize
recall repeat recognize
label select reproduce

Comprehension Level

The successful student will restate or interpret information in their own words.

explain describe report
translate express summarize
identify classify discuss
restate locate compare
discuss review illustrate
tell critique estimate
reference interpret reiterate

Application Level

The successful student will use or apply the learned information.

apply sketch perform
use solve respond
practice construct role-play
demonstrate conduct execute
complete dramatize employ

Analysis Level

The successful student will examine the learned information critically.

analyze inspect test
distinguish categorize critique
differentiate catalogue diagnose
appraise quantify extrapolate
calculate measure theorize
experiment relate debate

Synthesis Level

The successful student will create new models using the learned information.

develop revise compose
plan formulate collect
build propose construct
create establish prepare
design integrate devise
organize modify manage

Verbs to Avoid

Updated 02/09/2024